Kategorie Artikel von Francis Takahashi

Take your time

It's a great thing “Time”
Take your time …

A young man learns, What is the most important thing in life, of the man from the door next door. It was some time ago, since Jack had seen the old man. College, Girls, Career, and life itself got in the way. Actually, Jack took over the country in search of his dreams.

There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time, to allow, that are important for him to spend time. He had to work for his future, and nothing could stop him.

On The Phone, said his mother: “Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday. ”

Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel, when he was a calm..

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Respect our training partner

Respect starts with self-respect for themselves. If you do not have proper respect for yourself, there will be no need for any other, to do so. Only from a basis of proper self-respect, can we begin to respect for the gift of training with other sincere and dedicated practitioners of Aikido or other valid system of learning to develop. The truth of respect itself, that it is a priceless gift, we first give ourselves to it then by all other, that we are worthy of our appreciation, Keep honor and trust, to share.


Our reasons for training and the way we do it, is a very personal decision and should be regarded as inviolable right ...

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Es ist wichtig es einfach zu halten, überarbeitete Version

Die Aiki Prinzipien, vor allem solche, die sich direkt auf die Entwicklung des Aikidos des Gründers beziehen, sollten tatsächlich ganz einfach sein, nahtlos in Resonanz mit den etablierten Wahrheiten und zu einer echten und begründeten Diskussion unter denjenigen einladen, die sich respektvoll beteiligen. Ich finde, dass diese grundlegende Qualität konsequent und weit verbreitet in der historischen Existenz der großen Philosophien ist und weltweit in den Systemen des Denkens anerkannt ist.

Einfachheit kann elegant wirken, als entscheidender Faktor für die unzähligen Erfindungen, die von den Menschen über ihre Zeit und Einfluss produziert wurden...

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Aikido movement and expression

“Katsudo” means in Japanese “Activity, Action, and movement”. “Ugoki” also refers to the motion, but only in their appearance, and not in its intention, or function. It is important, to spell the difference, because the movement simply to describe, often belies the underlying factors, to which design, Functionality, purpose of applied and refined technique include. The movement does not necessarily encloses a workable plan for the purpose, So the persuasive planning must take place separately and previously. You always have to be aware and not only working on the development of their own martial arts skills on the real purpose of Aikido. Our movements must reflect this understanding.


Popularly known Aikido,...

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Within the sensei

We were not born with knowledge, but with innate abilities, to the experiences, we encounter throughout our lives to learn. These skills are not the same for each individual and we owe much of genetics, social factors, political realities and the availability of suitable food, intellectual and spiritual stimulation, and the freedom to develop such capabilities fully.


There are no guarantees, expressed for some of the above and we can only our humble gratitude for the gifts, we actually obtain, of the family units, the social structures, the care and support us and the extremely rare and not guaranteed access to the talented mentors and teachers, with whom we have seen ...

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The competition and the evolution of Aikido

The competition, in its purest form, plays an exquisitely, important role in the existence and interaction of all things. It permeates the fabric of life, as we know it, including the role, plays the death, and facilitates the Welcome state of constant renewal through the natural process of transformation, some call the evolution. Even as life itself through the various permutations, Rebirths and subtle reorganization moves, that we see daily, We can and must appreciate the wonderful balance, imposed by the nature of all his subjects. Somehow she manages to no extremes or restructuring of the natural order, would not cope with the time and the whole thing makes possible again ...

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Ist Aikido Training praktisch

Ich habe einmal eine erklärte Firmenpolitik bei einem großen Unternehmen bei der Beantwortung der oft gegebenen Frage der regelmäßigen Erhöhungen der Gehälter, beobachtet. “Ihre Erhöhungen werden effektvoll werden, sobald Sie das sind”. Leistung, im Konzert mit einer fundierten Strategie und bereiten Willfährigkeit, wird immer der Maßstab sein, an dem die Mehrheit bewertet und belohnt werden wird.

Was man uns lehrt, muss auf seinen eigenen Verdiensten beurteilt werden, in dem man den angewendeten Unterricht mit der Firmenpolitik von anderen ähnlichen Systemen mit der organisierten Struktur vergleicht. Wir müssen in der Tat Äpfel mit Äpfel vergleichen und Orangen mit Orangen...

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Das Erreichen des freien Geistes

Viel Zeit und Energie wurde aufgewandt, die meiste davon erfolglos, bei den Bemühungen vollständig zu erforschen, zu diskutieren und zu analysieren, was wirklich die echte und wirksame Leistung des entsprechenden Kampf Geistes bildet. Darf ich das Studium, von “The Unfettered Mind”, Takuan Soho zugeschrieben, einem legendären Buddhistischen Zen Priester, vorschlagen, der berühmt war, der geistige Mentor des Kensei oder Schwertheiligen Miyamoto Mushashi zu sein, Berater des Shogun, und für die Generika Pickles, die seinen Namen tragen.

Aikidao - Morihei Ueshiba-format-portrait-575
Dennoch kann es bezweifelt werden, dass irgendeine körperliche oder technische Durchführung von bedeutsamen Verdienst erst ihre Reise in den Geist beginnen muss...

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Loneliness, eine Aiki Perspektive

Why we train, with whom we work, and the circumstances under which we train, must always remain our personal choice, and an inalienable right, that we retain. The truest perspectives can be reached from a strictly personal point of view and user-defined, which remains an independent and insensitive to foreign thought agendas of external influences. Our right, to select the elements of our art form, needs of notions of competence of other preventive, to refrain from the foolish and thoughtless habit of many of us on this right against other, be protected ...

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Awaseru, eine Aiki Perspektive, new version

Awaseru, means in Japanese, Things together “set or to connect”. It can also be the union, combination, connote the connection and fusion of the otherwise disparate units, that they fit comfortably together for a purpose and desired outcome. This result is the birth of a new sense or degree of appreciation for true beauty and real achievement mean, which was not previously possible, than the corresponding parts were separated and unfamiliar.

Some would say, that the paired practice with partner, which is usually experienced in Aikido, a structured, But subconscious attempt is, mutually beneficial training goals without fear, unacceptable and avoidable injury or harm to it ...

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