Judo und Aikido

In diesem super Post von Moon in the water, erklaert uns Niall die Vorteile die man beim Crosstraining hat. Das schoene Photo laedt uns ein am Strand zu trainieren.!cool photo: Aikido at the beach by Dimitris Agelakis http://www.flickr.com/photos/agelakis/810767359/ photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/agelakis/with/810767359/ used under creative commons licence

Aikido bewegt sich in Richtung der Vollkommenheit der Welt, der Vollkommenheit der Menschheit und der Vollkommenheit aller im Namen des Weltfriedens im Leben. Mit anderen Worten, Aikido ist Training bei dem Du alles gewinnst. Anstatt Feinde zu haben, absorbierst und harmonisierst Du sie in Dir Selbst.
O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba Gründer des Aikidos

Ich glaube, that the world peace and the welfare of mankind can be made possible by the spirit, the judo materialize bringt.Wenn You judo fruit, have you yourself develop this practice and contribute to perfect society, and you have this meaning during your lesson to others emphasize. Judo is not just a martial art, but the basic principle of human behavior.
Jigoro Kano who Gründer des Judos

Sometimes people ask, whether cross training will help her workout. It is a personal decision and cross training is certainly not necessary. Im Japanischen gibt es ein Sprichwort: nito o oumono wa itto o moezu two rabbits to chase a person is not obtained even the Ichiusagi. If you chase two rabbits You start not even at the end of one. There is a risk a dilettanter Dan collectors to be. On the other hand you cross training can help, to understand Aikido deeper and even to make your Aikido better.
In a Judo Forum there was a thread about, what Judo could learn from Aikido. It was meant especially in an organizational sense. Aber ich denke, it is from every point of view a good Frage.Und it's a good question for both directions. This is a personal and certainly not exhausted list what judokas learn aikido and learn what Aikidokas from Judo can. Sometimes they are complementary and continuing. For example, the use of ma ai in Judo and Aikido is different, but an understanding of the two lead to a more comprehensive understanding of Budos. Ich hoffe, I was objective and nonjudgmental. Aikido and Judo are both wonderful martial arts.
can learn from Aikido What judokas
Irimi. How to penetrate to an attacker.
Tenkan. How to avert the attack.
Musubi. How to harmonize with an attack. How to use the contact by the attacker.
Kuzushi. Bring the Aikido concept Kuzushi.Aus balance.
weapons. How makes also use weapons. The weapons based on Taijutsu. Unarmed techniques
Atemi. How to use a Atemi- remarkable techniques- and how to avoid a Atemi.
Kansetsu waza. Learn some common techniques with a slightly different focus.
Mushin.Empty the mind. Learn the techniques to make naturally with the body, not by strategy planning.
Suwari waza (kneeling techniques) and Hanmi Handachi waza (kneeling techniques against a standing attacker). Learn techniques in three dimensions.
Taninzu gake. against multiple attackers defending Meet you and the concept,that there can always be multiple attackers.
Kokyu. Learn breathing as part of the art.
Ma ai. to defend the critical Abstand.Sich against attacks from a greater distance.
Omote und Ura. The concept of technology with two versions or two faces (Front / vorwaerts and Backside)
Genuine self-defense. For example, covert Katame waza / osaekomi immobilization techniques / repressing.
spiritual Dimension. Aikido has probably an evolved spiritual philosophy.
universality. Men and women can of course train together.
Alterlos. Aikido can be easily practiced by people in their seventies or eighties.
What to learn Aikido from Judo can
Ne Waza. ground techniques. What to do, if the attack on the ground ends. This is also the practice in three dimensions.
Koshi-waza. Judokas usually have excellent Koshi Waza.Hueft techniques. Kochi waza Post fuer Aikidokas.
Ashi-waza. Ashi Waza- Leg and foot techniques- are often ignored completely in Aikido Ashi-waza Post fuer Aikidokas
Kuzushi. The Judo concept Kuzushi. Kuzushi, Tsukuri and kake phases. break balance, Preparation and execution.
Ma ai. How to deal with attacks in a very close distance tangible.
Randori.Free practice if both partners try to carry out the techniques. Randori there in aikido judo sense style was created by Kenji Tomiki, the through the eyes of judokas sah.Wie you against an actively resisting uncooperative attacker defends the Aikido tries to throw you.
Word . Although Aikido Kata, that is based on a rather free way. It is good, sometimes to study the precision and rigor of formal Katas.
Shiai. Ich glaube nicht,that the sporting aspect of Shiai Competitions- should be Introduced in Aikido. But Shiai has judo positive aspects.
Shime waza.Effective Würg throttle learn techniques .
Kansetsu waza. Learn some common techniques with a slightly different focus.
Sutemi waza . How to sacrifice techniques (not much needed in Aikido)
Pedagogical Wert. Jigoro Kano Judo has given specifically an educational dimension.
Seiryoku zenyo. The principle to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum effort.
Jita Kyoei.The mutual welfare and benefit is a fundamental social principle of Judo.
Jika no Kansei. Striving for perfection as a complete person.
Der Kodokan, National Federation and the IJF. Individual organizations! From the broken world of Aikido it seems an enviable and utopian system.

Seiryoku zenyo und Jita Kyoei

Lecture by Jigoro Kano

Aikido reference

Judo reference

© Niall Matthews 2011
Uebersetzung: Carina R.L.

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