Aikido no hanashi

Vor einiger Zeit gab es einen jungen amerikanischen Universitätsabsolventen, der sich, nachdem er seinen Shodan im Aikido erworben hatte, entschloss, nach Japan zu gehen und dort zu trainieren. Um seine Reise zu finanzieren und sich akademische Sporen zu verdienen, bewarb er sich um ein Stipendium mit dem Thema “Die Geschichte des Aikido und seine Entwicklung aus anderen Kampfkünsten.” Die Bewerbung war so überzeugend,dass er ein einjähriges Stipendium der Fulbright-Stiftung erwarb. Nach einem zehnwöchigen Crashkurs in Japanisch am East-West-Center auf Hawaii machte er sich auf in das Land der aufgehenden Sonne.

Der eifrige junge Aikidoka wählte ein Dojo in Aomori, von dem er wusste,dass der Lehrer nicht nur ein hervorragender Aikidoka war, but also other martial arts masters. Dies, he thought, would be the best place for his studies and his training be. After his arrival, the teachers enthusiastic Americans apparently took under his wing. Some of the older students of the dojo misunderstood this. One of them, a Yondan, was particularly piqued and had to test made up, how good the Aikido this stranger.

Eines Abends, shortly before the end of training, when the teacher was briefly called off the mat, saw the Deshi his chance. After a quick "Onegai shimasu" they started vigorous training. The tempo increased and the Americans felt the intentions of Deshi, and in spite of his exhaustion he resolved to make a good impression. "It's not just about me", dachte er, "But also about showing, that Aikido in America is as good as in Japan. "The Deshi noticed the resurgent resistance of his opponent and saw this as unspoken acceptance of his challenge. The other students started to keep distance and gathered around her. The Americans attacked with unplugged arms to, um Ryote-Mochi auszuführen. The deshi whirled and brought the Shodanmit a whiplash-like movement right. At a stroke mitder sword hand on the wrist twisted by the American he threw him to the mat. Its response was delayed by the exhaustion, There was a snapping sound and the uke gasped in pain. Now Released, the Americans fell in Seiza and writhed, pressed his wrist to his stomach.

Excited the other students called: "Daijobu? Daijobu?"And surrounded the injured newcomer, helped him up and took him off the mat. On the face of Deshi, who was on the edge of the group, seemed a breath of Zufriendheit show.

Shortly afterwards, the Master rushed in and the injured newcomer to, followed by his patch, Water and bandages supporting students. He carefully held the broken wrist and examined it thoroughly. There was restlessness, but no one dared to say anything or to take off. Within 15 Minutes hardened carefully applied herbal plaster mixture of. The master wiped his hands, stepped aside and thoughtfully looked at his nervous students. The distressed Master straightened up and his face darkened. Deep and mastered his voice, but with the power of an angry Kamisama. "Sore wa dame da! … “, he snapped. In broken English a Japanese translated the partially-understand Americans. The teacher continued: "This dishonors the Aikido. O-Sensei banished those collisions vanity, Pride and anger ... "He turned his gaze to the injured students: "You could have your skills should not overestimate, just to show, that foreigners are honorable. That's pride. Now you have to wait several months, before you can train again. You have lost precious time ... "

The master turned to the deshi to. "This is not the first time,"He said threateningly, "You dishonor the art. Many years ago, banished O-Sensei Aikido competitions from, after he had a great martial artist inflicted a serious injury in a duel. Als O-Sensei verstand, can that this man would never work again, he saw, that competitions in martial arts would have destructive consequences. You've challenged the foreigners out of vanity. Its resistance seemed outrageously thee. It was your anger, the injured him ruthlessly. There is no excuse for this loss of control during training. You will share its loss. You will not work in my dojo, until he can train again. "The teacher said pointing to the Americans: "You two will appear daily for training. You will sit together at the edge of the mat and watch the training. This will allow you insight into the true spirit of Aikido to win and overcome our differences ... "

And so it was.
David Dimmick
Aiki News #23
Übersetzt von Stefan Schröder


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