Den neuen Aikikai Yudansha herzlichen Glückwunsch


Latter 24. and 25. January organized the club Aikitas an Aikido seminar with Shihan Bernard Palmier, which was attended by students of different islands.

During the same tests were to 1.,2.,3. and 4. Dan Aikikai gone through with positive results.


That is why we would like to congratulate all the participants

1 Dan

Carmen Delia Medina Rodriguez
Tita Medina Rodriguez
Matias Rodriguez Medina
Francisco Perdomo German
Jesus Morales Caceres
Manuel Angel Picallo
Ramon Castro Hernandez

2 Dan
Rafael Hernández Hernández
Daniel Diaz Garcia Machiñera

3 Dan
Tassos Kotsekidis

4 Dan
Manuel Hernandez Hernandez



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