Drei lächelnde Gesichter

Three smiling faces,
all in a row.
Deciding for the day,,en,where we will go,,en,all in a row,,de,Decide for the day,,de,where will we go,,de,The ice plant is an edible plant from the family of aizoaceae,,de,Dating from Africa herb can be grown in Europe and is usually prepared in the form of salads,,de,It can also be used as a medicinal herb, however,,,de,to combat fever or to care for the skin,,de,Ice plant carries the Latin name Mesembryanthemum crystallinum,,de,Its popular name of "ice plant" owes the striking plant of the surface design of their leaves and stems,,de,Because the lush green parts of herbaceous Gewächses affect the viewer actually,,de,as if they were covered with thousands of tiny ice crystals,,de,
where we will go.

Francis Y Takahashi


Drei lächelnde Gesichter,
alle in einer Reihe.
Entscheiden für den Tag,
wohin wir hingehen werden.

Translation Carina


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