
Kürzlich analysierten Forscher von der Mexikanischen Universität die große Macht der Kanariengras oder Echtes Glanzgras (phalaris canariensis) Nahrung, wegen der Vorteile, die sie den Vögeln bringen, und nach vielen Experimenten, auf Grundlage der wissenschaftlichen Methoden, fanden sie heraus, dass das echte Glanzgras ein unglaublich mächtiges Protein hat, mit einer stabilen Aminosäure, die zu einer größeren Effizienz Fütterung im menschlichen Körper führt.

Das Echte Glanzgras ist eine Pflanze aus der Familie der Süßgräser, (Poaceae). Es ist im Mittelmeerraum heimisch, wird aber im Handel in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt angepflanzt, to use the seeds for the diet of pet birds. The canary is one of the most powerful seeds on earth, its enzymatic charge capacity is huge and its protein content is even higher. A glass of milk enzyme from canary grass has more protein than two or three kilograms of meat, but with stable amino acids, traveling in a safe and indestructible form in our bodies.

Die Enzyme, give the canary, have tremendous power, to empty our organs, especially the liver, Kidney and pancreas, these data make the canary in a good pancreatic regenerator, ie it eliminates the diabetes in just a few weeks, it also removes the liver cirrhosis caused by an increase in the number of hepatocytes in the liver and by this type, Of course, it reduces inflammation, invites the kidney with enzymes, which promotes a healthy diuresis, to eliminate excess fluid in the body, so that the canary is a tireless fighter against high blood pressure, it is wonderful, because it contains the enzyme lipase, it removes the body fat quickly, whether from the veins, arteries, or simple fat deposits, so it is a great remedy for obesity and generates a large and powerful performance as a developer of cutting-and muscle tone.

displayed for hypercholesterolemia and prevention of atherosclerosis;
diuretic: useful in situations, require an increase in urine output, as urogenital diseases (Zystitis), Hyperazotämie (Abundance of nitrogenous substances in the blood), Hyperurikämie, gout, Bluthochdruck , Ödeme, Overweight accompanied by fluid retention, Gastritis and ulcer (ulcer, especially gastric ulcer).
It is demulcent (supple, soft and relaxed inflamed parts).

It is considered a great remedy for the evils of urine, Steine, Kidney and bladder, and refreshing for hot flashes. It is also used externally for eczema.

use: doing only five tablespoons of canary evening in water to soak and remove the water in the morning, do the five tablespoons soaked canary in the blender, fill in with clear water and mix it, the result is a very frothed milk, with soft taste, which is a signal for maximum health and desirable body shape basically, Take a large glass before breakfast and another at bedtime.

Natürlich, if you want to take it with meals, it helps very, but in the morning before breakfast and before bedtime, it should never be lacking. Never add fruit or sugar, This is strongly forbidden, because refined sugar is a poison, kills the enzymes and all the good food, because he is too acidic and all life will not survive in the acid content of refined sugar.

Consuming milk canary grass is a very strong vaccination against diabetes and every disease, generated by the acid level of the body, daher müssen mindestens zwei oder drei Gläser Kanariengras Milch täglich konsumiert werden, to ensure a slim figure and a very healthy body, which naturally leads to a healthy mind.

Translation Carina
From: a PPS


14 Comments on Kanariengras

  • Anonymous  says:

    Dear friend,
    where can you buy the Kanariengrassamen? Here in Germany, I have only found a supplier of powder.

  • Aikido Entrenando  says:

    Here I have found what,http://www.inkanat.com/de/default.asp?par=0_203, good luck

  • Anonymous  says:

    My son has recently discovered, that he has diabetes. During a visit to Brazil, I have him – at the suggestion of a friendly doctor – daily dieeer “Alpistemilch” supplies. After his return, the German doctors have found in connection with the investigation DREAM RESULTS! The blood tests were normal! they said, they had never seen such a dramatic positive development.
    The preparation of milk makes a mess in the kitchen. One should therefore try, the seeds to grind previously. Then swell as prescribed and by a cloth seven, because you'll have a brown sauce.

  • Aikido Entrenando  says:

    Thanks for this great message, ich hoffe, that your son continues to get better.

  • Anonymous  says:

    He refuses to recognize so Mamas merit: “It is right indeed, that my last HB1C (Long-term blood sugar levels of the past 3 Monate) Blood test showed, that the previous treatment of the disease is unusually successful (until the start of insulin weaning I had the values ​​of a healthy person), that, however, with the Alpiste-“milk” must be related or green juice, I would personally sign not immediately blind (my values ​​were optimal before the trip to Brazil and are only briefly by the change of time zones, and the other type food at the beginning and at the return to Germany mixed up). Conclusions about an actual effect (and their strength) one could draw only, if my organism after weaning has reached stability and a direct comparison can be drawn.” … Is not that typical German skepticism?…;-)

  • Aikido Entrenando  says:

    hahaha, a positive attitude, how firmly believe in it, also makes VERY much from. In any case, it is a natural healing shape and has no side effects

  • Vittorio STRAPAZZINI  says:

    My doctor had prescribed me pills a day to control blood pressure .
    I discovered the Alpiste seed and started using milk alpiste .
    The pressure regulating function , after 2 alpiste months of use has allowed me to not take more drugs and today after 1 year my weight and’ fell by 16 kg and the pressure and’ normal 80/140 .
    Today they are also able to produce milk of alpiste also for other

  • yaquelin  says:

    Where in Germany
    Alpistemich kaufen? or Alpiste.Habe gastric ulcer and would like to try with this treatment..

  • Kerri  says:

    Hallo, Unfortunately here in Germany is sold in powder, but as I'm reading, it is the milk itself prepare so then I need the grain!!!!
    Where you have to in Germany the grain Found ???
    Danke .

  • Rosy G  says:

    Ich benutze schon zeit lange Zeit. Ich kaufe es hier
    Ich habe auch schon abgenommen.ich drinken ein Glas früh und eine am abend.
    vlg Rosy

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