Laughter can heal the sick?

Humor tut gut. Even makes its own World Laughter Day on the first Sunday in May the world for big laughs. As the humor affects the body, is currently being explored by scientists. With amazing results.Laughter Clubs, Laughter Yoga, Laugh Therapies – and even a World Laughter Day: Every year on the first Sunday in May, tens of thousands of people worldwide to break 14 Clock for three minutes in collective laughter. Organised joy not only to raise the spirits, strengthen the sense of community and move one step closer to world peace, but also improve the physical health. Laughter is healthy, knows the vernacular. But physicians surprisingly difficult so, to substantiate this claim scientifically.
There is no lack of attempts: By the 60 year ...

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Somewhere over the rainbow

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Interview mit Takafumi Takeno Sensei 1.Teil

Takeno Sensei (while observing the training): When teaching children If it works very well, To use games. Children tend to, some things, knows z.B. Shikko ho (Knee Gang) very reluctant to do. But it leads to a race or a wrestling match by, occurs exactly the opposite effect. Believe, it was fun. By changing the access a little, they already do it with enthusiasm. One says to the children: "Do sit-ups! Do pushups!“, they will respond: "I do not!"If you leave them but puzzle about, they get fun on competition.Aiki News: Even such small changes can make the training really funny. The atmosphere in the dojo is very positive and cheerful, but the training is pretty hard ...

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Feierabend for woman Kishimoto Vol.1

Japanese have more holidays than German and make longer lunch break. Unpaid overtime? Prohibited. What remains of the stereotype of the workaholic?
What a strange little country, be simply dismissed in the human, if they are not doing enough, and in which an employer to a 9-hour day - no more than - by law 30 Must approve minute break. In the absence due to mental illness in the past 15 Years to 80 Percent have increased. One Country, where much work is, for an average grade of 3127 €. This Germany. For many Japanese it is a country, where they do not want to be workers.

»Really? You dismiss people in Germany, if they are too lazy?«, fragt Hideharu Miyamoto, Senior Manager des Tokyoter Flug ...

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Therapists on four paws

When you think of a therapist, has a very certain idea. But how about, to look meek big brown eyes during therapy? May we introduce: Mathilda und Nelly, the speech therapist on four paws.Both facilitate therapy sessions for children and adults. Take for example the language disabilities in children or adults. Hours of, boring exercises, bring nothing anyway at the end. Serious, or? Here these people have enough problems, since they are often excluded from the Community, can not integrate, or even be bullied. But even in such cases, speech therapists and Deborah Perry-Rink and help their four-legged supporters ...

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Suwariwaza Kokyuho – Endo Shihan

From: Blog on Budo

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Karina Blome makes for world premiere

Bremen. World premiere at the martial arts school Unger: Karina Blome and Steven Nowak were collected in the first grade teachers in Chinese Boxing. 'This is something very special, because Karina is the first woman world, of the possible ', explained Sifu Frank Unger, together with the Director for Europe of the International Chinese Boxing Institute, Grandmaster Manfred Steiner, the documents presented.
For four years, the 38-year-old Karina Blome is several hours a day on the mats. 'My children have started with the sport, and the audience I am ultimately become self-athletes to fight ', says Blome. In addition to training during regular practice times she took private lessons with Unger and Steiner ...

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Pepón the playful clown

Kids Magic, so all what you can do with a balloon, Disney pupa, Face Make-up, large Suessigkeitstueten and even more surprises.
For birthdays, Baptisms, Communions, Weddings and other events or events.
Filings with Pepón: 619 800 802
Here is his blog

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Vor einigen Tagen erreichte mich ein anonymer Brief, der sich kritisch mit der Graduierungspraxis einiger im Ausland unterrichtender japanischer Shihan auseinander setzte. Der Autor beklagte, dass die betreffenden Shihan einige ihrer Lieblingsschüler unter den Ausländern hatten, die schnell graduiert werden, während andere wohlverdiente fortgeschrittene Schüler übergangen würden. Die übergangenen ausländischen Schüler seien auf die Anerkennung angewiesen, die aus der Graduierung erwachse, da ihre Mitbewerber anderer Kampfkünste höhere Ränge besäßen als sie selbst und diese nutzten, um Schüler zu werben. Zunächst einmal möchte ich den Anhängern dieses Standpunktes raten, sich nicht so sehr wegen ihrer Graduierung zu sorgen, als sei dies eine Voraussetzung für ihren Erfolg ...

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12 Gedanken ueber das Leben

Keiner verdient Deine Traenen und wer sie verdient, wird Dich sicher nicht zum Weinen bringen.
Wenn Dich jemand nicht so liebt wie Du es wuenscht, dann bedeutet das nicht, dass er Dich nicht ueber alle liebt.
Ein wahrer Freund ist der, der Dich an der Hand haelt und am Herzen beruehrt.
Der schlimmste Weg zu fuehlen, dass Dir jemand fehlt, ist wenn Du an seiner Seite stehst und erkennen musst, dass er Dir niemals gehoeren wird.
Hoere niemals auf zu laecheln, auch wenn Du traurig bist, denn es koennt sich jemand in Dein Laecheln verlieben.
Fuer die Welt bist Du vielleicht niemand, aber fuer manche bist Du die Welt.
Verliere Deine Zeit nicht mit jemandem, der nicht zu Dir steht.
Vielleicht sieht es Dein Lebensweg vor, dass Du viele schlechte Menschen kennen lernen musst, ehe Du den wahren Freund tri...

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