Above the clouds

Wind North-East, Runway three zero, up here I hear the motors.
like an arrow pulls her over, and it roars in my ears.
quakes and the wet asphalt, like a dusty veil of rain,
it lifts up and floats towards the sun.
Above the clouds, freedom has to be boundless.
all fears all worries, say,
remained hidden underneath, and then,
would, what seems big and important,
suddenly void and small.

Über den Wolken
Above the clouds

I see you long after, seh'sie climb to the clouds,
to blur the lights gradually quite gray in the rain.
my eyes have lost that point winz'gen,
only remotely sounds dull even the hum of the engines.
About ... then everything is silent, I go. Rain penetrates my jacket.
irgendjemand kocht Kaffee in…


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