Kaffee und Gesundheit: Die fünf wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse

Kaffee ist eines der meist getrunkenen Getränke der Welt. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Studien befassen sich seit Jahren mit den gesundheitlichen Wirkungen von Kaffee. Dabei haben Forscher erstaunliche Wirkungen von Kaffee herausgefunden und alte Vorurteile revidiert.
Die fünf wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sind:1. Kaffee zählt zum Flüssigkeitshaushalt dazu.
2. Kaffee kann vor Diabetes schützen.
3. Kaffee stimuliert das Gehirn und kann Alzheimer vorbeugen.
4. Die Leber kann durch Kaffee geschützt werden.
5. Kaffee kann die Fitness steigern.

Kaffee zählt zum Flüssigkeitshaushalt dazu
Mehrere Studien der letzten Jahre kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Kaffee dem Körper Flüssigkeit zuführt. The German Nutrition Society E.V. (DGE) notes: “For many people, makes coffee a significant contribution to the total daily water supply. He is included in the fluid balance – like any other drink also.”

Kaffee kann vor Diabetes schützen

Scientific studies indicate, that the regular consumption of coffee, the risk, diabetes type 2 to fall ill, can significantly reduce. “Various studies came to the conclusion, that the risk of diabetes in people, up to seven cups drank coffee daily, is smallest”, so Prof. Dr. Stephan Martin from West German Diabetes Center in Dusseldorf. “This effect is apparently not due to the caffeine contained, because the protective effect was also observed in decaffeinated coffee. researchers suspect, that v.a. the antioxidants contained in coffee play a major role.”

Kaffee stimuliert das Gehirn und kann Alzheimer vorbeugen

Coffee makes cheerful and increases concentration. Scientists have found, that information can be more readily absorbed by the brain after coffee enjoyment and processed. In addition, coffee can lighten the mood, because the caffeine contained in coffee in the brain's release of uplifting neurotransmitters such as dopamine, promotes serotonin and endorphins.

Further studies show, that lifetime coffee consumption in men and women can reduce the age-related loss of brain function. Prof.. Vormann, Director of the Institute for Prevention and Nutrition (IPEV) in Ismaning: “A recent Finnish study has observed for many years the coffee consumption of people in middle age. The researchers found, that coffee drinkers were accordingly rarer than coffee abstainers. In humans, drank per day between three and five cups, was the risk, of developing Alzheimer's disease, um 65 Percent reduced.”

Die Leber kann durch Kaffee geschützt werden
Scientists found, that coffee drinkers significantly less likely to develop liver disease suffered as subjects, the no coffee drank. liver damaged case already (z.B. infected with hepatitis) People showed in a recent study, that three or more cups of coffee daily, the risk of progression of liver destruction to 53 percent lowered. Caffeine does not appear to be the determining factor, as showed in with other caffeinated drinks no comparable positive results.

Kaffee kann die Fitness steigern

The caffeine contained in coffee can promote physical fitness. “Caffeine not only increases the power of concentration and motivation, but also the endurance performance. Coffee has with its vascular protective ingredients thus in power- and popular sport its place”, so the sports physician Dr. med. Wolfgang Grebe from Hesse Sports Medical Association. “Performance enhancing effect of caffeine, especially in endurance sports, where the load lasts more than five minutes”, so Dr. with Grebe.


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