Dancing is healthy - for body and soul

Who dances, not only trains the sense of balance, but also his memory. In addition, leaves a motion forget the pain.
I remember a neighbor. She was about 75 Years old and suffered extremely under
Osteoarthritis. Your joints of the hands were affected, but especially that of knee. There were days, since you hurt every step. You could just go down the stairs backwards, she did hard time, enter the bus - only one thing she could always: dance.

Many people hold, dancing despite pain, times for heroes, times for hypochondriacs. But the statement is another: Dancing attracts the endorphins in our bodies produce. These are the famous endorphins, which make us forget, it pricks front and rear.

Instant happiness hormones
Endorphins are released especially when Sport. But while it must be running while jogging quite a while, so that there does something, It happened while dancing immediately. The secret lies in the mix of music and movement. Dance therapists use precisely this mechanism. How much help the rhythmic movement, to keep the body supple and to forget the pain, has now been demonstrated in numerous studies.

Scientists at the Albert Einstein College in New York examined for a study 468 Personen, the above 75 Jahre alt waren, for many years. They wanted to know, which they exercised leisure aimed at - and how well turned out their brain performance. My result was amazing: Sports like jogging, Brought swimming or biking, what the mental fitness was concerned, less benefit than dancing. The effort of the gray matter in harmonic glide across the dance floor this should be the deciding factor. Although physical activities alone stimulate brain metabolism, however, can not prevent the deterioration of the nerve cells.

Dance, so the researchers found, acts to prevent the destruction of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, which for the human memory, Thinking and language is responsible. Who learned step-Kombis in Music, trained not only memory intensive, but also its equilibrium- and sense of direction. Moreover Dancing promotes spontaneous joy - and creativity.

Petra Koruhn, Heilpraktikerin


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