The bounty from laughter, the rapture sublime
Is priceless when practiced, all in a line
It’s time for us all, to be randomly gay
And let nothing from life’s cares, get in the way
We live in the moment, not future, not past
For whatever is beautiful, surely won’t last
Carpe Diem, and let’s Seize the Day
Regrets in the future, not ours to say
Let’s learn from our children, they know it best
They understand play, and appropriate rest
No waste of resources, no timing ignored
They are always in motion, no time to get bored
As they too get older, they will eventually learn
Of the vagaries of life, when it becomes their turn
For now let them be, so carefree and wild
What a blessed remembrance, to have once been a child
Francis Y Takahashi
Die Freigebigkeit des Lachens, die sublime Entrückung
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